Your Call to Adventure: How to Get Started


Here, at The Gamified Life, we hope to provide you with research-backed information on how to use gamification as a tool to improve your mental health and wellbeing. “What even is that and why would I wanna gamify my life?“. Well, in short, gamification is the incorporation of game-playing elements (like points, rewards, and competition) into non-gaming contexts. Why not achieve our goals and solve our problems in a fun and engaging way?

Those who approach life like a child playing a game, moving and pushing pieces, possesses the power of kings


Get comfortable, grab yourself a drink and a snack, and let’s get started! Here are a few helpful links to get you settled in:

Your Life is an RPG

As the protagonist in this RPG, what is your story? It’s important for us to have a coherent narrative of where we’ve come from and where we’re going. Having a coherent life narrative helps us attribute meaning and purpose to our experiences, foster self-awareness, facilitate emotional regulation, and improve self-esteem and self-worth! It may sound daunting – to gaze upon the events of our past, present and future – especially for those of us who have encountered malevolence. However, I implore you, venture forth courageously and you will find healing and direction. This is a crucial step for finding your path.

Combining Narrative Therapy and RPGs: An In-depth guide

The Hero’s Journey: A Framework for Self-mastery

20 Questions to Better Understand your Past, Present, and Future

Character Progression

As we move through life, we invest our time and energy into levelling up certain skills and attributes. In doing so, we ensure that we are well equipped to handle the challenges standing in the way of our goals. How exactly can gamification help us level up these skills? Have you messed up your character build? Too many skill-points invested into gaming? Feel like you’re at war with every faction and all the NPC’s hate you?

Gamification and Mental Health: An In-depth Guide

Dopamine Mastery: Breaking Bad Habits and Building Healthy Habits

Gamification: How to Challenge Anxiety and Fear of Failure

Gamification: A Powerful Motivation and Productivity Hack

Becoming the Hero: Integrating the Shadow

Theoretical Background & Research

For those of us who are interested in theory and research.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Gamification: An In-Depth Guide

Social Capital, Mental Health, and Wellbeing

The Lifecourse Perspective and Mental Health

Systems Theory: Viewing People in their Environment